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  • Writer's pictureHunterdon Board of Commissioners

Hunterdon County Commissioners Attend Dvoor Farm Restoration Project Groundbreaking Ceremony

Hunterdon County Commissioners Attend Dvoor Farm Restoration Project Groundbreaking Ceremony

Deputy Director, Jeff Kuhl and Commissioner Susan Soloway attended a celebration on Thursday morning, October 12th, at the Dvoor Farm, located in Raritan Township, for a Groundbreaking Project ceremony. The Hunterdon Land Trust sponsored the event and has been raising funds toward this restoration project since 2006. The three Phase renovation of the property will start next month, beginning with the refurbishing of the Bank Barn.

Deputy Director Kuhl shared, “When I was growing up in Hunterdon County, this area was known mostly for the farming communities. If you were not farming the land, you worked for a business that supported agriculture. As the vocation of farming decreased, many farms were sold to developers. Thankfully, the Dvoor Farmstead was not one of them.”

Phase I of the Dvoor Farm Project plan includes transforming the exterior integrity of the Bank

Barn into a multi-purpose event space, eventually allowing for use by the public to enjoy as a banquet facility, accommodating groups of up to 250 people. Phase II includes the repair of site utilities and interior fit out of barns. The final Phase III will include the completion of site improvements and exterior modifications.

The property’s authentic rustic character, scenic setting, and architectural and historic value are expected to add to the desirability of this space, and the revenue generated by rentals will cover the cost of maintaining the property and provide long-term financial support of the Land Trust’s conservation activities throughout the area.

Mr. Kuhl concluded, “The Hunterdon Land Trust is to be commended for all of their hard work and planning of this project. The goals and objectives of the project align nicely with Hunterdon County’s ongoing Economic Development campaign to promote agritourism. Since the Land Trust’s founding in 1996, volunteers have helped fund the preservation of over 10,000 acres of land. I wish this well-respected organization all the best in the 1st phase of this project. This is a great day for all of Hunterdon County!”

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