The Center officially opened it's doors in October of 2020 at 5 East Main Street in Flemington. The Center is home to the Harvest Family Success Center, Open Door Recovery Center, and Sharing the Hope Family Support Center.
The Center is designed to be a welcoming home-like environment to ensure that those they serve feel safe and comfortable.
All of the programs offered at The Center support individuals and families in Hunterdon County.

The Hunterdon County Board of County Commissioners recognized the work of The Center, at the April 19th Commissioner Board meeting, and again at the Grand Opening Celebration on April 26.
Deputy Director Zachary T. Rich remarked at the Commissioner Board meeting; "On behalf of the County of Hunterdon, the Board extends its heartfelt thanks to Hunterdon County Prevention Resources, Harvest Family Success Center, Open Door Recovery Center and Sharing the Hope Family Support Center for their hard work and dedication to helping those who are in need."
Director John E. Lanza also presented a proclamation to Ms. Carmel Gettings of Prevention Resources.
The below proclamation was read to Ms. Gettings by Commissioner Director John Lanza who thanked Carmel for her many years of support to residents of Hunterdon County.

WHEREAS, Carmel Gettings has worked for Prevention Resources for eleven years, and was the founding Director of Harvest Family Success Center (the FSC).
WHEREAS, Carmel Gettings served in a dual role; that of Director and as a Family Partner. Carmel’s true love and talent is in working on behalf of people from all walks of life, and helping them to navigate through life's challenges; and
WHEREAS, Carmel Gettings dedication to casework management, conducting parenting and co-parenting classes has been instrumental in bringing Harvest to the forefront of the FSC movement in the State.
WHEREAS, Carmel Gettings has known and advocated for the power of collaboration, and has led efforts to foster strong communication and ongoing collaboration on behalf of the clients that she serves; and
WHEREAS, Carmel Gettings also assisted in procuring the new site of The Center at 5 East Main Street, which now serves as a “home” for all who come through the door and enjoy the home-like ambiance and the respite it provides from the challenges of everyday life.
WHEREAS, Carmel’s favorite saying and how she has lived her life was to “build people up” and see them empowered, she lived by this saying through being active member of Kiwanis, a long term member of St. Magdalene’s Church, served a trustee on the Flemington Food Pantry Board and volunteered with Hunterdon Interfaith Outreach Council (HIOC);
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Hunterdon County Board of County Commissioners wishes to thank Carmel Gettings for her unwavering dedication and passion to lending a helping hand to those in need; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Hunterdon County Board of County Commissioners wishes Carmel Gettings a happy and healthy retirement, and much success in her future endeavors.