Hunterdon County Commissioner Director John E. Lanza and Commissioner Susan J. Soloway participated in a ribbon cutting ceremony for Operation Jersey Cares on Saturday, November 26 in Flemington.
Operation Jersey Cares had been located in Raritan, Somerset County, until Tropical Storm Ida flooded their headquarters last fall. Raritan Township Committeeman Gary Hazard, who is a member of Operation Jersey Cares, assisted the organization in relocating to Hunterdon County.
"Your mission is near and dear to my heart," Director John Lanza began while addressing the crowd of over sixty volunteers and supporters at the ceremony.
Lanza, the son the son-in-law of a Combat Veteran in Operation Desert Storm, continued,
"The people who selflessly put their lives on the line for America, are in need of some selflessness themselves. We are so grateful to have you amongst us in our community."
To date, Operation Jersey Cares has donated over 1.3 million pounds of food and personal product to military service members overseas.
If you'd like to get involved, please visit: https://operationjerseycares.org/