With Parks And Recreation Division ‘Clean-up Day' on April 23rd

Hunterdon County celebrated the 52nd anniversary of Earth Day on April 23rd and hosted a community ‘Clean-up Day,’ with various 4-H clubs joining, to help keep Hunterdon County’s parks litter free.
County Board Deputy Director Zachary T. Rich, the Board’s Parks and Recreation liaison, said, “The county’s parks are a special and unique piece of Hunterdon, filled with trails, scenic waterways and plentiful wildlife. Every visitor should remember to leave nothing behind or to dispose of their trash in the proper receptacles, if available, whenever visiting these beautiful places in the county.”
Earth Day is recognized globally on April 22nd and was initially organized by environmentally conscious individuals who were concerned about the future of the planet based on the increase in pollution and landfills and a lack of recycling.
In an effort to keep Hunterdon County clean, many Parks and Recreation staff met with 4-H club members, and volunteers from the community, to clean four parks in the county. They include both ends of Landsdown Trail, Landsdown Meadows and Deer Path Park.
Rich continued, “Keeping the county’s parks clean is not just a one-day event, it’s an everyday, all year-round event and everyone who visits is responsible for keeping the parks and trails trash-free. The Board appreciates everyone who
participated on April 23rd and commends the Parks Division for hosting this Earth Day event.”
The Parks Division reported that several bags of trash were collected from the four parks as well as electric signs, tires, a propane tank and a toilet. The Hunterdon County Solid Waste and Recycling Services Division also contributed by supplying gloves, grabbers and trash bags for trash collection to the participants.
To get involved in Earth Day activities and for more information, click here.
For more information on Hunterdon County Division of Parks & Recreation, please visit our website at https://co.hunterdon.nj.us/depts/parks/parks.htm, call us at (908) 782-1158, or email us at parks@co.hunterdon.nj.us.