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  • Writer's pictureHunterdon County Commissioners

Commissioner Lanza Attends St. Baldrick’s Head Shaving Event at Sergeantsville Fire House

On Sunday, September 26, 2023, Commissioner John Lanza, the sponsor of the Proclamation supporting the St. Baldrick’s Foundation, attended their annual Head Shaving Fundraiser eve

Commissioner Lanza Attends St. Baldrick’s Head Shaving Event at Sergeantsville Fire House

nt at the Sergeantsville Fire House, located in Delaware Township.

Commissioner Lanza is a longtime supporter of the annual head shaving event and attended in recognition of the St. Baldrick’s Foundation ‘Light It Up Gold’ for Childhood Cancer Awareness Month, in honor of children currently battling cancer, those who have beaten cancer, and those who are no longer fighting. More than 400,000 children worldwide are diagnosed with cancer each year, and donations are drastically down for research to find cures.

Mr. Lanza shared, “As a father, I cannot imagine receiving any more devastating news than finding out someone I love, especially my child has cancer. The volunteers of the St. Baldrick’s Foundation, led in Hunterdon County by Linda and David Swackhamer of Delaware Township, work tirelessly i

n fundraising for childhood cancer research.”

St. Baldrick’s joined with the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Run and Walk in hosting the head shaving event and auction fundraiser. Money raised during this event will go toward the search for cures, supporting the largest charity funder of childhood research grants in the United States.

The Commissioner Board also directed that the Main Branch Library be lit in gold during the evenings in the month of September to honor Childhood Cancer Awareness Month. The American Childhood Cancer Organization estimates that 1 in every 285 children in the U.S. will be diagnosed with cancer before their 20th birthday.

For those wishing to donate to St. Baldrick’s Foundation for life-saving cure research go to:

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