On Wednesday, January 24, 2024, Deputy Director Commissioner, Susan Soloway attended the C.A.R.E., Community Awareness Resource Event, that was held in collaboration with the Hunterdon County Department of Human Services, the Comprehensive Emergency Assistance System Committee (CEAS), and the Salvation Army of Flemington, to provide information and resources to people experiencing housing insecurity.
Commissioner Susan Soloway shared, “I am pleased that CARE was able to coordinate with our Department of Human Services and the CEAS committee to bring this important event back to Hunterdon County. Local agencies that were in attendance brought various resources for people in need of housing assistance and provided a lot of crucial information that will benefit our residents tremendously.”
The Hunterdon County CEAS committee last held this event in 2019, before the COVID-19 public health emergency. The goal of the CARE’s event is to assist people in the community with connections to services for basic needs. Many agencies contributed to the success of this event through participation and/or donations including, Hunterdon County Division of Social Services, Human Services, and Housing; Fisherman’s Mark; Hunterdon Helpline; Family Promise of Hunterdon County; NORWESCAP; Division of Children and Families; SAFE In Hunterdon; The Link; Readington Township; Flemington Area Food Pantry; and Legal Services of Northwest New Jersey.
Agencies also participated in the ‘Point in Time Count’, which aims to survey people in the community that are experiencing homelessness or are tentatively housed. Breakfast was provided at the event through the generosity of the Salvation Army and the Hunterdon County Stigma Free Task Force. The CEAS committee and the Department of Human Services look forward to continuing this event each year.