The 4-H Fair opens at 10 AM, August 24 and runs through Sunday, August 28th at 4:30 PM

The Hunterdon County Commissioner Board announced the 2022 4-H Agricultural Fair at the South County Fairgrounds in Lambertville with five days of shows, rides, delicious food, animal judging, music and fireworks at the August 2nd Board meeting.
County Commissioner Susan J. Soloway said, “The Board is excited to announce the return of the annual 4-H Fair. The 4-H Fair highlights our local agricultural industry, its importance to our way of life, and gives residents a firsthand look at the diversity of 4-H programming and an opportunity to interact with local businesses.”
Wednesday through Saturday, at 8 PM, each day, a musical act will perform on the Main Stage and on Friday, August 26th, there will be a fireworks display, after 9:30 PM.
The Hunterdon County 4-H and Agricultural Fair will follow any and all current State guidelines pertaining to Covid-19. Click here for the Covid-19 Safety Plan.
“I personally look forward to the 4-H Fair every year and know that it takes an incredible amount of work by the dedicated Fair Committee volunteers, 4-H members, and County staff to pull the event together.
Not to mention, the local rescue squads, volunteer fire companies, the county’s Public Safety staff, Sheriff’s Officers and Park Rangers who are there around the clock, keeping everyone safe,” Soloway commented.
This year, the Wednesday night Tractor Pull will cost $5 per spectator, and parking is $15 per vehicle. The fee is shared with the volunteer fire companies whose members supervise the parking fields and the rescue squads who are on-scene
The Hunterdon Report August 12, 2022 throughout the fair. There is no charge for admission and all other shows and entertainment are free. “The Board and I thank everyone for their participation to make Hunterdon’s 4-H Fair a fun, family event every year,” Soloway added.
A complete Fair event schedule is available on the 4-H Fair website, here