The County will be engaging in the on-line reverse auction for the purchase of electric power again this year and, on behalf of the Board, I have extended an invitation to all municipalities to again participate through the county’s cooperative purchasing shared service.
The County and participating municipalities partnered in this successful program in 2019 and experienced a reduction in electric power costs of up to 10%.
We expect that with a number of municipalities joining the program again, the economy of scale should continue to reduce electric costs for all participants.
This initiative is for government electric power costs only, it is not a residential program.
Concord Energy has been retained by the County as consultants for this project. The firm was very successful in managing the program two years ago when there were 9 other participants, in addition to the County.
I encourage as many municipalities as possible to participate in this cost savings program.
Two years ago there was an option for a portion of the power being purchased to be generated by renewable energy sources, such as wind and solar. The County and several municipalities took advantage of that so called green alternative. That option will again be included in the co-op program this year.
I am advised the plan right now is to hold the reverse auction August 17th.