The Hunterdon County Commissioner Board, at the April 6th meeting, approved a contract for community based services with Volunteer Guardianship One On One, Inc., an organization that provides guardianship to legally incapacitated adults in need of a conservator or guardian.
Board of Commissioners Director Susan J. Soloway stated, “The ‘One On One’ guardianship organization serves a segment of the community who cannot speak for themselves and is the only non-profit organization providing this service in the state. Support for this program is vital in protecting individuals who need the service.”
The Board approved a three-year contract in the amount of $45,000 through a request for proposal process overseen by the County Department of Human Services.
Hunterdon County Surrogate Susan B. Hoffman started Volunteer Guardianship One on One, Inc., in 1996. The program addresses the needs of adults, often the elderly, suffering from disabilities or physical and mental diseases who are unable to manage their own personal and financial affairs and do not have family or friends who can help with those necessary tasks.

Surrogate Hoffman said, “The volunteer guardianship organization was established to help a local resident who, upon discharge from medical care, had the need for a guardian and no family or friends to help. The program could not exist without selfless volunteers from our community who have stepped in to help individuals and families cope with the financial and logistical needs of those who cannot help themselves.”
Located in Flemington on Route 31, volunteers are trained to be guardians and appointed for persons in the community who may be vulnerable and in need of strong advocacy. ‘One On One’ currently serves clients in Hunterdon and neighboring Somerset and Mercer counties.
The Volunteer Guardianship One on One program assists the most vulnerable residents who need assistance in making important life decisions. This program often supports people with guardianship until the end of their life. This funding award partially supports staff salaries for the Executive Director and volunteer coordinator in addition to necessary supplies and supports for the volunteer guardians.
Director Soloway said, “It is comforting to know that ‘One On One’ has reliable volunteers available who provide quality care, supervision, and substitute decision making for the health, financial, legal and property management matters of adults in need.”
Those interested in volunteering for the Guardianship One on One program can call 908-483-5009 or email info@volunteerguardianship.org for more information. Residents in need of the Surrogate Court’s service can call 908-788-1156 or stop by during regular business hours, Monday through Friday, 8 AM to 4:30 PM, or click here for the Surrogate website.